
Learn tips on the topics you should focus on when preparing questions that you will ask of a prospective employer during your next interview.

所以,你有一个工作面试. You show up early in a well-pressed suit. You greet your interviewer with a firm handshake and friendly smile. You rattle off articulate and genuine answers to questions like “what are your top 3 strengths?”, “tell us about a time you failed and what you learned,” and highlight all your employability skills. You think you are in the clear and then the interviewer hits you with “do you have any questions for me?然后,你的脑子一片空白.

Forgetting to spend some time preparing questions to ask during an interview is a common misstep job seekers at all levels make. It can seem inconsequential to say “I don’t have any questions,” but you're not only communicating a passive lack of interest to your prospective employer you are also missing a final opportunity to showcase why you are a good fit for the company.

Before your next interview, spend some time thinking of four or five questions to ask. 如果这是你第一次面试, be sure to stay away from questions about salary, benefits or vacation (these are better discussed during a second interview or after an offer has been made) and opt for questions that highlight your knowledge about the company, 激情, 经验或文化契合度. Below are several types of interview questions that could impress a potential employer.


Doing some research on a company before you interview (as well as before you apply) is a great way to stand out. You can ask about a recent company announcement or product launch. 询问竞争对手, company responses to new trends in the industry or company culture are also good options. By asking these types of career management questions you are able to learn more about the company and highlight how much you already know.


Another option is to find out more about your interviewer. Asking the person interviewing you about why they joined the company or why they stayed will tell you about employee morale. Questions about their personal goals for the future and plans for the team (if they are the direct supervisor for the position) can also help you learn more about how the position you’re interviewing for may grow.


沿着同样的路线, questions that demonstrate you are serious about the job will help communicate your high level of interest. Asking questions like “What do you want the person in this position to accomplish in the first 30 days?” will show a prospective employer that you are ambitious and goal-oriented. Or, try asking about the qualifications of top performers in the company and use their answers to highlight your own similar characteristics.

Prospective employers want to know the candidates they are considering are interested in the position. By researching the company and asking good questions after an interview you’ll be able to show you will be an invested team member and are worth hiring.

利记app官网 aims to help students maximize their employability skills for career success through its Employability Series. This set of core competencies is integrated in to the College’s online degree programs, to complement occupation-specific training and help graduates get hired.

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