From Combat Boots to the Corporate Ladder

作者:乔希·加勒, Veterans and Government Recruiting Lead and Kelly Young, 人力资源 Program Manager at 人类a 像很多公司一样, 人类a has recognized the value that military veterans bring to the workforce.   From strong 项目管理 skills to punctuality and extensive travel experience, Veterans are an attractive candidate pool.  然而, finding practical ways to translate your military experience into layman’s terms as someone transitioning out of the Service can be difficult.   Here are some tips to help you sell your military experience in the corporate world.

关注可转移技能 It may be that your military job doesn’t directly translate into a job in the corporate workforce.  (Who knew there would be a limited market for bomb technicians in corporate America?!)在那种情况下, focus on the skills you have that are generally transferrable to business roles- things like team leadership skills, 项目管理, your proven ability to work with individuals from different cultures and backgrounds, strong accountability and execution skills, 等.   Be sure to have experiential examples to back up each of these qualities, 并在面试中提及他们.

尽量减少缩略语和行话 The average recruiter may not be familiar with the military jargon and acronyms that are second nature to those in the Service.  Have someone without military experience review your resume, checking for use of acronyms and jargon.  When in doubt, spell out the acronyms and translate the jargon into layman’s terms.   例如, spell out Corporal instead of CPL and when possible substitute with a corporate title, i.e. Squad Leader can be displayed as Security Supervisor or Manager.

与其他兽医建立联系 Don’t underestimate the power of your military network.  Stay connected via social media sites like LinkedIn and Facebook with others you’ve met or worked with during your military career.  Talk with other Vets in your area to see if their employers are hiring.   经常, valuable referrals can come through friends, 邻居, and former colleagues who know that you are looking for new opportunities post military career.

寻找对退伍军人友好的雇主 Many organizations now have targeted recruiting efforts to source Veteran talent.   请查看 前100名对军队友好的雇主 listing and this listing of Federal Contractors and other vet friendly employers.  

Interested in finding out more about 人类a’s Veteran’s Hiring?   一定要看看我们的 退伍军人人才网络.    In addition to competitive benefits that focus on health and well-being, one of the best resources available to veterans and military spouses once they join 人类a is the Veterans Network Resource Group. 这一组, which meets both in-person as well as has an online community through our enterprise social media site for military veterans and military spouses, helps veterans and their families transition to civilian life and share common experiences. 这一组 also supports community service for veterans and provides input to 人类a on how we can better serve our military and government members.  

欲了解更多信息,请访问 Josh Galle is a Recruiting Lead at 人类a, focusing on recruiting for Government business and leading the organizations efforts on hiring and retaining Veterans and in 人类a’s workforce.

Josh is a decorated Veteran who served 8 years (Active & Reserve) in the United States Marine Corps and has a passion for helping Veterans and their families.  Josh is also a co-author in a recently published book, “An American Crisis: Veterans Unemployment” available from Inspired Authors Press and on

Kelly Young is a 人力资源 Program Manager at 人类a. Kelly is responsible for coordinating enterprise learning and developing the talent of professionals within the organization.  Josh and Kelly have partnered various times to write publications to help support Veterans who are re-entering the corporate workforce.

